Praying for Children – Karakia Mo Ngā Tamariki
Sowing Seeds of Love
We invite you this week to use the resources of the ‘Praying for Children’ initiative to make space, look around and ask some questions like:
What would it take to include children who may be a bit different, or have particular challenges? How can we be better?
For the 2020 Praying for Children initiative, a bookmark has been created.
On the back on the bookmark are a list of phrases, one for each day- to insert into the simple prayer and give a focus to your prayer for that day.
Copies of the bookmark should be available in parishes after 27 July 2020, or click on the link below for a 5-Up layout version to print and share.
Click here for more information and resources
Follow along with Rev. Roxy Gahegan blog Seeds of Love, with prayers and pause points to accompany each of the daily themes.