Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate all women in our communities. However, Mother’s Day can often be a day that is laced with pain, sorrow and grief for many women and their families. We believe our ministry as the church on days such as Mother’s Day – with it’s varying experiences – is an opportunity to meet others in their deep need as well as engender empathy toward all. Last year we partnered with Presbyterian Support (Upper South Island) to provide a simple flyer that could be sent electronically or printed and distributed at one of your church/community gatherings.
View it here: Mothers Day Parish flyer
The prayer we have included on the back could be used as part of worship and/or we have also included a recommended video that could be used within the context of worship, view here: Mother’s Day 2021 – Animation (vimeo.com)
Prayers for you as you and your community celebrate and uphold all women on Mother’s Day, no matter their journey.